Saturday, October 3, 2009

Did You Really Think That I Wasn't Going To Lead With This?

Just one more reason to follow @stephenfry.

And the hysterical laughter redux:

Hopefully I'll be adding something substantive in the next day or so. Sorry again for the gaps between posts. I'm pretty pissed about the whole "Chicago loses out on Olympics" bullshit. Mayhap I will be parsing that sorry business.


  1. as a kiwi I had actually heard about this kakapo mating thing before, read about it in Te Papa museum. The conservationist had made an a3 size display about how male kakapo try to mate w/ backs of heads and how they tried to collect semen w/ an "ejaculation helmet".

  2. I live in New Zealand too (hi!) and I've seen the same display at Te Papa. Silly birds.

    And seriously, this clip made my day on so many levels. Rachel is adorable.

  3. An "ejaculation helmet?!" There's a job description for you. And also a job I do not want. You silly Kiwis. And also, the NZ accent? Possibly the hottest of the English speaking natives. Just saying.


  5. I did not need to see that. Yet I clicked anyway.

  6. I would have been disappointed had you not run with this as the lead, my friend...we were all in stitches, and then The Hubby lost it entirely when he found out about the ejaculation helmet. Yes, we amuse that easily, and it slayed the second time through, too.
