As I have mentioned before, I am no expert when it comes to make-up. Having said that, I have noticed on several occasions that there seems to be some sort of white, reflective material over Rachel's eyelids. When she blinks, this white material flashes, not unlike a stranded boater signaling an SOS in Morse code with a mirror. I am only just starting to break the code, but I'm pretty sure it reads, in part, "Get me the fuck out of this make-up and these lady clothes!" But I'm not positive. Oh, and something about "goddamn
something prissy drinks
something something something show
something something a cocktail is...I
something something Angostura." Haven't really figured that one out yet.
Perceptive as always, CEP! I have detected the grown-up lady clothes message myself, on several occasions. Perhaps because I am subjected to wearing the grown-up lady clothes myself??? Will continue to assist you in the quest to break the code...
ReplyDeleteHee. Poor Maddow, slathered in the pancake makeup. And today I was digging through her podcasts at Air America and discovered that she had to read an advertisement about anti-ageing cream. It was positively surreal.
ReplyDeleteThank you MP. It's a serious matter, and I can use all the help I can get. Yank, I have not heard the anti-aging ad, but would love to. Do you remember the date of the AAR show?
ReplyDeleteNot the exact date, I'm afraid. It's somewhere between the 4th and 11th of September 2008, during the coverage of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. (I was hunting for Sarah Palin commentary when I heard it.) And it's during the part of the show with Rachel live in the studio, not the audio from her TV appearances. I hope that narrows it down.